

National Institute of Population
Research and Training (NIPORT)

National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) was established in 1978 with a vision to stand as a Regional Training and Research Institute on health, especially reproductive and child health in South Asia. But its current mission is to provide task oriented in-service training to health & family planning program personnel and conduct program focused studies and operations research in Health & population sector Program in Bangladesh.

Goal and Purpose:

The overall goal of NIPORT is to contribute to improve the health status of families in Bangladesh, The purpose of NIPORT training and research activities is to make sure that program managers and service providers are effective and efficient in providing quality services on health, specially reproductive and child health care in the communities of Bangladesh.


NIPORT's objectives are related to the overall goal of Health and Population Sector Program in Bangladesh, which is to improve the Health and Family Welfare by birth spacing and better status, particularly of mother and children. The role of NIPORT is to enhance the coverage and quality of Health and Family Welfare services through organizing training and undertaking appropriate research studies.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Improve knowledge and skills of program managers, paramedics, and front-line service providers under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in order to ensure the quality of health, specially child and reproductive health services to the people;
  • Impart training of trainers (TOT) to the national level, district level and upazila level trainers to equip them with necessary skills to manage training locally;
  • Conduct Health and Population Sector Program focused studies particularly on population and reproductive health related issues including periodic surveys, operations research and training evaluation; and
  • Coordinate and collaborate with other government and non-government organizations/institutions involved in conducting Health and population Sector Program related training and research activities.



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স্বাস্থ্য সেবা বিভাগের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন( https://hsd.gov.bd/ )

স্বাস্থ্য শিক্ষা ও পরিবার কল্যাণ বিভাগের সকল তথ্যের জন্য

ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন ( https://mefwd.gov.bd/ )

কোভিড-১৯ ভ্যাকসিন নিবন্ধন

  • কোভিড-১৯ ভ্যাকসিন নিবন্ধনঃ ক্লিক করুন(www.surokkha.gov.bd)